Thursday, July 16, 2009


It's a frequently heard dilemma among Facebook users. Is it rude to ignore a friend request? Or the ever popular feeling of "Friend remorse". You know you didn't like them in high school, or know them for that matter, so why on earth did you accept their friend request, or even worse, send them one! Just scan through your friends know there are people there that incite these thoughts. Hell, I'm sure I'm that guy for some of you.

I'll be the first to admit my addiction to the phenomenon that is Facebook. If you are my "friend" there this is no shock to you as I'm sure my frequent posts litter your home page. It's hard to resist all the familiar names you are bombarded by upon joining. Before you know it your friends list looks like a high school yearbook even though you've spent the past twenty years trying to forget high school. Don't get me wrong. There are many people that I am genuinely thrilled to have reconnected with via Facebook. Though much like high school, I've found myself too often caring that other people might be offended by something I say or do in the form of a post, be it a status update, link or note. At times even deciding not to post something because some of my "friends" might be put off by it. Even declining friend requests from an aunt and uncle because I knew I would offend them. Yes, that's right, what you might have seen of me on Facebook is me holding back to some degree! That is probably the biggest thing I've tried to overcome in the years since high school. I take a good bit of pride in the fact that other than my wife and kids, I don't really care what others think about me. I'm all too aware that I can be an opinionated ass with some pretty exaggerated views which have offended some. That was one of the reasons for this blog. I wanted another outlet for the things that I am passionate about without the text limitations of Facebook or even worse, Twitter. I don't have time to worry about offending anyone, or muddling through posts that I find offensive from people who I wasn't that close with (or only knew because of my Brother). If that's harsh, I don't know what to tell you. If it offends you, de-friend me. It won't hurt my feelings.

Now, Off to the park with the kids in search of something a bit lighter to discuss next time! Until then.



  1. Dig you, blogging! Thanks for the comment on my recent post about envy. I sometimes think I get too personal, but you've clearly outdone me here. (In a good way.) It's nice to be understood, and not alone. So fuck self-censorship on facebook, and write what you feel here. It can be more cathartic than you might think.

  2. Yay Scott! Totally understand. And kudos to your blog. I started one years ago, but I am lazy and never keep it up :)
